November 2024
10 AM - 8 PM
Join us for a day filled with Holiday Cheer!
FREE: Carriage Rides, Kids Activities, Entertainment, Grinch Photos, Santa, Christmas Parade, and of course the light up of our town square!
You can also check out food trucks and vendors on Elm Street in downtown and of course...don't forget to SHOP LOCAL while you're in Downtown this Holiday season!
Schedule of Events
- 8 AM - 4PM Corydon Extravaganza at the Fairgrounds
- 10 AM - 12 PM The Olahtar Experience featuring DJ Big Jim
- 11 AM - 8 PM Food Trucks & Vendors on Elm Street
- 12 PM - 12:20 PM Deborah Peyron - Story Time
- 12:30 - 1 PM Polar Express
- 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Stix, Pix & Chix Studio Student Band
- 2 PM - ? Cookie Walk - Harr Co. Extension Homemakers
- 2 PM - 3:30 PM Dulcimer Soc at Corydon Christian Church
- 2 PM - 8 PM Carriage & Haywagon Rides
- 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM Christmas Carol Radio Show
- 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM Lindsey Lane Band
- 4 PM - 5 PM Pictures with the Grinch in front of the Capitol
- 5 PM - 5:30 PM The Grinch Story Time
- 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM Christmas Parade
- AFTER THE PARADE - Light up Corydon on the square.
- 6:45 PM - 8 PM Pictures with Santa in the Capitol
- 6:45 PM - 8 PM DJ "Stink, Stank, Stunk" The Grinch